Day 1- Clothes and Accessories - Part 1

On the first day, students will expand their knowledge about adverbs in Persian. The session will be followed by studying vocabulary related to clothes and accessories. Finally, the students will discuss their views about the importance of fashion in their own lives.

Grammar: During the second week's first session, students will learn to identify adverbs in sentences and enhance their understanding of Farsi grammar.

Reading: In a short text, students will read how to choose the most proper formal clothes: چگونه برای یک جلسه‌ رسمی لباسی مناسب بپوشیم؟

Listening: Nadia Atta, an Iranian stylist, talks about what to wear during a trip: چی بپوشم برای سفر

Conversation topic: Are clothes important to you?


- Write a short essay about your style using the provided vocabulary  and grammar.
- Review the text and vocabulary.
- Speaking: Introduce a new collection that you like. You should mention: Who is the designer? What did she/he design? Why do you like that?


Persian Transcription English
جلسه jalase meeting
اداری edāri office (adj. belonging to office)
علاوه بر 'alāve bar in addition to
رفتار raftār behavior
پوشش‌ pušeš clothing
اهمیت ahammiyyat importance
اثیرگذار ta'sirgozār impressive
پیشرفت pišraft development
باعث شدن bā'es šodan to cause
ظاهر zāher appearance
آراسته ārāste neat
مرتب morattab tidy, neat
کت و شلوار kot o šalvār suit
کراوات kerāvāt tie
جذاب jazzāb attractive
کفش‌ kafš shoes
براق barrāq shiny
تیپ tip style
در واقع dar vāqe' in fact, indeed
حرفه‌ای‌ herfe'i professional
تیره tire dark 
انتخاب entexāb choice
جلیقه jeliqe vest
به یاد داشتن be yād dāštan to remember
حاضر شدن hāzer šodan to get ready