Day 3 - Travel and Tourism

Traveling is an engaging topic to discuss and share experiences. Today, we will discuss travel and tourism and cover conditionals in Farsi grammar.

Grammar: Conditional structures in any language demonstrate the speaker's fluency and mastery. They are also considered advanced grammar. Therefore, in today's grammar lesson, students will learn about conditionals in Farsi.

Reading: Knowing the issues that deter tourists from visiting a country is as crucial as promoting tourism itself. Today's participants will read a passage concerning tourism challenges in Iran: ۱۰ چالش ورود گردشگر به ایران و موانع توسعه صنعت گردشگری

Listening: Reza, an Iranian traveler, visited an old house in Iran. We will join him on this journey and test our listening skills: IRAN We stayed in the top historical hotel in TEHRAN | This Is Amazing ایران

Conversation topic: Traveling can change people's perspectives and help build communities. Do you agree with this? To what extent?

Homework: Optional


Persian Transcription English
ظرفیت zarfiyyat capacity
محدود mahdud limited
فرودگاه forudgāh airport
صف saf que, line
ازدحام ezdehām congestion
مأیوس شدن ma'yus šodan to be disappointed
مراکز اقامتی marākez-e eqāmati residental centers
مورد انتقاد moured-e enteqād criticized, subject of criticism
اسکان eskān accomodation
کمیت kamiyyat quantity
میزان تقاضا mizān-e taqāzā demand level
زیرساخت‌ zirsāxt infrastructure
تناسب نداشتن tanāsob nadāštan to be be disproportionate
ناکارآمد nākārāmad inefficient
معضل mo'zal dilemma
مهارت mahārat skill
تداوم tadāvom continuity
تثبیت tasbit consolidation
تنوع غذایی tanavo'-e ƴazāyi food variety
معلول ma'lul disabled