Day 5 - Armeno-Iranica: Interactions between Armenian and the Iranian languages

On the last day of the first week, in order to give a closer understanding of the historical ties and development of the Persian language and its West Iranian relatives, like Parthian, Talyshi, Kurdish, etc., we are going to study the case of the Armenian-Iranian language interaction through history up to the present date.

Homework and Questions (20 min.) - In this first part of the class, the instructor will discuss the homework article and assignments with the students. This will also include asking and answering questions from yesterday’s lesson.

Part One (1 hour) - The first part will be dedicated to the historical interactions of the Iranian languages (especially Persian and Parthian) with the Classical Armenian language and evaluation of the significance of Armenian for the study of the Iranian languages. A brief overview of the Classical Armenian sources and their nature will also be given.

Break (15 min.)

Part Two (45 min.) - The second part of the class will be dedicated to the relations and interactions of the modern Iranian languages and Armenian. Besides Persian, the interactions between other neighboring languages like Kurdish, Talyshi, Tati will also be discussed. Similarly, a brief overview of the situation of Kurmanji in Armenia and other similar issues will be presented to the students.

Discussion (20 min.) - At the end of the class, the students will discuss with the instructor questions related to the relationship of the Iranian languages with not only Armenian but also Semitic, Caucasian, and Turkic languages.


Hübschmann, H., Armenische Grammatik. I. Theil. Armenische Etymologie. I. Abtheilung: Die persischen und arabischen Lehnwörter im Altarmenischen. Leipzig, 1895.

A. Meillet, “Sur les mots iraniens empruntés par l’arménien,” MSL 17, 1911/12, pp. 242-50.

R. Schmitt, “Von Bopp bis Hübschmann: Das Armenische als indogermanische Sprache,” ZVS 89, 1975, pp. 3-30.

P. Considine, “A Semantic Approach to the Identification of Iranian Loanwords in Armenian,” in Studies in Diachronic, Synchronic, and Typological Linguistics. Festschrift for Oswald Szemerènyi, Amsterdam, 1979, pp. 213-28.

Meyer, R., Iranian-Armenian language contact in and before the 5ᵗʰ century CE, Trinity, 2017