Testimonial by Anissa Ozbek

Undergraduate Research Fellow, George Washington University, USA

10 weeks (or 5-9 weeks) 2025 Persian Language Summer School

Over the course of my time studying Persian with ASPIRANTUM, I had the valuable opportunity to engage with a wealth of Persian topics and texts. I can say with certainty that my Persian skills are all the better for it. I am grateful to have made so many meaningful connections with the wonderful people I met through the program, as well as Iran’s rich history and culture. 

Interested? Check Upcoming Persian Language Courses!

Our Persian language courses are open to anyone with upper elementary or intermediate knowledge of the Persian language. The lectures are organized with the academic interests of our participants in mind. Students as well as researchers working in Iranian Studies and relevant fields will benefit the most from our courses.

Check Upcoming Courses

Other Testimonials.

Miki O'Connell

Student, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK

“The fact that the topics we covered were always interesting meant that I never found myself bored in class. It helped that both my teachers were outstanding; I have never met someone with such a thorough understanding of Persian!”

Read Testimonial

Martin Dixon

MA Student, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, UK

“I think that the last weeks have helped me build a solid foundation on which to go from intermediate to advanced level. Since finishing the course, I have begun to read a primary source in Persian, which I am not convinced I would have been able to do before, at least not as quickly or comfortably.”

Read Testimonial

Lizzie Porter

Iraq Oil Report Senior Correspondent

“The only thing I wish is that I’d been able to stay for the full 8-week course, and I definitely recommend anyone thinking about participating to stay as long as possible to maximize the fruits reaped.”

Read Testimonial