Day 2 - Countries, Nationalities and Languages

Names of countries, nationalities, and languages differ from one language to another, and Farsi is no exception. Today, attendees will learn the names of many of them. In the grammar section, students will practice comparative adjectives, and the lesson will be followed by listening and conversation.

Grammar: Students are expected to know well about comparative adjectives. Today’s topic allows them to challenge themselves by using this grammar in their speaking.

Vocabulary: During an interactive geography class, students will discover different countries and languages. 

Class material: An interactive world map (MapChart)

Listening: Houman is an adventure traveler. We will join him in Samarkand to explore this astonishing city: ازبکستان قسمت اول - سمرقند - ۱ / Uzbekistan part -1 - Samarkand -1

Optional video: Persian Vocabulary - Countries, Languages and Nationalities

Conversation topic: What is the best country to live in?

- Speaking: Introduce your country to the class.
- Transcribe 2 minutes of Houman’s video.